Thursday, December 11, 2008


My mom just called and said they got back the results from his bone marrow biopsy. He is in COMPLETE REMISSION. Praise the Lord. I have spent the whole morning crying out of happiness and a little pregancny homrones mixed in. It has been a rough 9 months but he is finally done and ready just to play with his grandkids again. Thank you all for praying for my family throughout all of this.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prayer Requests

My mom called today with an update about my dad. He had his bone marrow biopsy today to determine if the leukemia is in remission. They will have the results next Wednesday. We are all walking around on pins and needles until the results get back. He was already told that if the results are not good that he may have to have the treatment all over again. I don't think his body can take it. Also be in prayer for my mom. She was told today that her lungs are working at 50% capacity. She was diagnosed with Respiratory Obstruction. Because of her lupus they can't put her on the normal medication for it. She may have to go on mega doses of steroids which is not fun. Be in prayer for my sister also. Her doctors want to wean her off her beta blockers. She has been on them for 16 years. It is the medication that stabilizes her blood pressure and keeps her from passing out. Pray her body adjusts well and she can come off them without any side effects. Wow! My family sure is weird. But at least they are all saved and we know we will all meet up in heaven one day. It definitely makes life interesting and causes reliance on God and lots of prayer. Love all of you guys and can't wait to see everyone in a couple weeks.