I found out while enjoying the beautiful weather this week that it does not take much to keep 8 boys occupied. All the kids were outside playing the other day and my neighbors two boys came over with a friend. Now you need to take into account that my neighbors one son is a teenager and so was his friend. The boys had a blast playing nerf guns, sling shot (using rocks to try and hit our stream), skateboards, and a tool set. The results were hilarious as Alex and Daniel took a part our cozy coupe and then had to reassemble it. Samuel had a blast on the skateboard and yes he tried to do it the right way. The other boys had a great time flinging rocks to the backyard with our three man sling shot (a great investment by the way from Vision Forum.) The yard looked like a huge nerf gun battle had taken place, no wait, that is exactly what happened. There were darts everywhere. We are still finding them as some ended up on the roof and the wind today blew them down. We all had a great time. Even Esther who got involved as much as the boys would let her. I love being outside and the people who drive or walk by always enjoy watching the kids play. Although I always see them counting the number of kids playing. Isn't it amazing that kids will always gravitate towards where there are adults around? I sometimes end up with 10 or 15 kids playing in and around our yard. Half of them are over the age of 11. I don't mind though. That is how I grew up. Everyone always came over our house because they knew that Miss Judy (my mom) was always home and would welcome them in. She was the secondary emergency contact for a lot of our friends because they knew she would always be around. I don't mind the kids of the neighborhood knowing that I am always home.