Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Please Pray this Baby Turns

I had an ob appointment today. She felt the baby was not lying head down. She did a quick ultrasound and sure enough the stubborn boy is transverse. She is giving me a week to turn this kid on my own and then I get scheduled for am external aversion. I am not looking forward to that. Carl has been encouraging me. The first thing he said when I called and told him was that the baby was going to turn and that I did not need to worry about it. I think I am going to spend the rest of the week on my hands and knees doing pelvic rocks. I really don't want to end up with the aversion or a c-section. I have never had this problem with any of them before. I have to admit I am nervous. The midwife said that he looks really big. She kept asking me how big all the other were. She said if they are really big it is harder for them to turn. I need all your prayers so this baby will turn. She told me I am not allowed to take anything that would help put me in labor. Normally by this point in the pregnancy I am drinking tea and taking EPO. Since I go late anyway I like to do all I can to prepare for labor. She told me no way should I do anything until the baby turns head down or I will have to have a c-section. It was such an encouraging appointment! Just pray for my faith level that it would increase and that I would not get discouraged about this all. I know it will all work out according to God's plan. Oh, by the way. Carl finally decided on a name for this little one, Samuel. A middle name has not been chosen yet. I like Levi.


nini14 said...

Kimberly, We will be praying. God is sovereign and there is nothing that is out of His control. He isn't perplexed or concerned about little Samuel's position. Praying for your peace of mind and that you will be able to rest in Him. And, while nobody wants to have a c-section, and most likely that won't happen, how grateful we can be that we live in a time that it is an option. I know that sounds strange coming from me, but think about what could happen if a c-section couldn't be performed. If that is how God chooses to bring Samuel into the world, then know it is a blessing! Love, Mom T.

Tara-- said...

Hey Kimberly! I sent you an email a few days back about the spinning babies website. Just wanted to make sure you got it. It looked like it had some need excercises to try to turn the baby.