They have started this thing in NC. They actually have to have a week to encourage parents to take there children outside. It is pretty comical considering the Trautman family. Our boys are outside all the time getting dirty and gathering creeatures. We just recently put up four bird feeders in the back yard. We have a hummingbird feeder too. The hummingbirds will actually come fly around the window and stare at you when the feeder is empty. It is like he is saying "Hey you inside that house. Put more food in my feeder." The kids love to figure out the kinds of birds that come and feed. Anyway all this week has been Take a Child OUtside Week. Carl needed no encouragement. So far this week the boys have beeen fishing at a local pond that is owned by a friend at church. They each caught a bunch af fish and they loved it. I am still washing smelly clothes and shoes becasue Alex and Nathan decided to explore the pond fully clothed. I almost threw up when they came home. My pregnancy nose is still running full force. I told Carl no fish in the house. THey wanted to cut them up and eat them but I think it was too much for Carl. The kids were also at the park yesterday while I had my ob appointment. I arrived at the park and Carl pulls a tied up sock out of the van. You guessed it. The boys had found a lizard and wanted to take it home. I love life with boys. At least I have Esther although she was just as exited about the lizard as the boys were. The kids have had a good time outside this week and I am sure that Carl has something planned for Saturday, if I haven't had this baby yet. I just thought all of you would get a kick out of Take a Child OUtside Week. I thought it was a joke at first but it is real. Some guy has written a book even about how our children today have a "nature deficiency" or something like that. Thank you mom and dad Trautman for instilling a love of nature and outside in your boys. It is rare now a days. Pray for all of us women who love your boys as we step out of our comfort zones into the wonderful world of mud, fish, snakes, lizards, birds, bugs and the list goes on and on. I am getting used to the words "Mommy, look what I found outside. Can we keep it?"