No not the weather phenomenon. The Carolina hockey team. Carl called me on Friday morning to say that someone at his work had given him four free tickets to the game. HE decided to have a boy's night out with the older three. I met him after work. I think the Lord planned it all perfectly because on the way there Daniel threw up in the car. It was comical seeing a pregnant woman with a very bad gag relfex trying to clean up a screaming two year old. I finally did it and then Carl showed up. I told him he would have to clean the car seat because I had done all I could do all ready. He just laughed. If we had all planned to go the whole evening would have been ruined. Carl took the boys and I headed home to put Daniel immediateyl to bed with just water. He did not even complain about not having dinner. Esther and I had a girl's night just eating our dinner in front of the t.v. She loved it because she got to eat on a television try that is just reserved for daddy. After I put her to bed I spent a relaxing evening by myself. I got the play by play of the game becasue the boys kept calling every time something happened. They had a great time and were so excited. The hurricanes actually wone 3-0. It was a great bonding time for the boys and Carl.
How cool that the boys had that special time with their dad. What memories. Sorry about Daniel, hope he is feeling better (and you, too!). Nice that you had some special time with Esther. I can just picture her!
That is so fun! And you had a night to yourself! I'm sure that doesn't happen often :)- I am with you about the gag reflex- ugh!
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