With Daniel's 48 hour labor still fresh in my mind I was very nervous about being induced this past Monday. I think I cried all night on Sunday which did not make matters any better. I was so tired by the time we got to the hospital. They started the pitocin and I just sat and sulked watching t.v. Carl was so great though. He made me get up and walk around the room. Well walk as much as all the wires would allow. They have to do continuous monitoring when induced. It was a good thing though because each time I stood up or walked Samuel's heart rate would drop. The only position that proved to be comfortable for me and Samuel was sitting in a chair. That is where I spent most of the labor. Carl just sat and rubbed my arms and hands. He was great. The contractions were intense and she checked me about 5:00. I was five cm. I was discouraged. I told Carl I absolutely could not do this for another day. I started to really feel bad around an hour later and was checked again. Still 6 cm. Carl and I discussed about pain management. I in no way was going to get an epidural. Been there last time and will never do it again. We decided on some i.v. drugs and I was able to relax between contractions. I think it was just enough to kick start things. I went from 6 to 10 in an hour. The midwife left the room to check on another patient and two contractions later the nurse was yelling for her to come back. I forgot what an overwhelming feeling it is when you HAVE to push. I only pushed for 8 minutes but they were eventful. UNC is a teaching hosptial so the room is always crowded. When my water broke there was some meconium so the doctors had to be on call for Samuel. His head came out quickly and the cord was wrapped so tight wround his neck that they could not budge it. His shoulders got stuck just about the time my strength disappeared. Carl told me later that Samuel face was turning blue. I just remember pushing as hard as I could and he just popped out. I rember crying and looking at the clock saying how thankful I was I did not have to endure another hour of labor. They of course swept Samuel away and had to stick that awful tube down his throat to clear him all out. He was fine and so was I when I heard him cry for the first time. It took quite a while to get me all cleaned up. THe placenta did not want to come out. I ended up with several stitches but I did not care at this point. Just give me my baby. He had to get his suger tested because of his size. When they weighed him I could not see all of the reading. I only saw the 11 oz. part and figured 8 or 7 lbs. When they told me 9 lbs. I about fell off the bed. Wow! Even I was amazed I had pushed that big of a child out. No wonder his shoulders got stuck. Carl says he is going to be a linebacker. After about 20 minutes I was finally able to hold him. I put him on my chest and the greedy little guy immediately latched on and started to nurse. Yeah! That's about it. Eleven hours of labor. Eight minutes of pushing. A huge baby boy. God is awesome isn't he? Now I just need to get used to counting to six instead of five.
Beautiful story, Kimberly! He is so handsome- and I am so glad you had an easier labor this time! Well, as easy as labor can be! Mine have been shorter lately, but the short ones sure are intense! Congratulations to you and Carl!
Congrats again! I love his chubby cheeks. SO glad it was a quicker labor. Just curious, how much weight did you gain? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to :) I just remember this summer when you were up saying you had only gained 4 lbs so far. It must all have gone to Samuel! Can't wait to see him!
Glad to finally hear the details of the labor. Carl didn't give many details when he called to give the news and we never got to talk about it this weekend. Happy that it went well and that you are doing well with Samuel.
Kimberly! Awesome story! God is so good! I'm glad the cord wasn't a worse issue for little Samuel. I'm praying you recoup quickly!
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