Alright. Here we go with listing all the things we want to get done this year. Anyone for losing weight? I have an extra 50 pounds I'd like to see go away. I guess six pregnancies in eight years will do that to a woman. I'd also like to get my whole house painted. I am tired of the artwork from my dear children decorating the walls. Carl and I would also like to make our garage a more useful space, like maybe for all the toys and school things. Our family room looks like a preschool right now. I wish we had a basement. Oh well. That is one drawback to NC. Most houses don't have them. I do have some resolutions that I really want to stick with. Our pastor this year has challenged the church to read through the Bible. He had everyone who has read through it before stand up one Sunday. I was astonished at the low, low number that stood. Carl has never even read through it before. This year will be about my 8th time doing, even though the last time was 2 years ago. I am excited especially since William wants to do it too. We went out and bought Bibles that are one year Bibles and Carl and I are doing it together. They even have a One Year Bible for kids. I will keep you all posted on how it is going. Anyone up to doing the challenge with us? You can print out all kinds of Bible reading plans online.
This year I am also doing the Created to Be His Helpmeet Journey Journal. Have any of you ladies ever done it? Anyone interested in doing it with me? I bought my journal on ebay and with shipping it was only $10.50. I got it today and I am so excited. I don't know about you but after 10 years of marriage I need a little refresher on how to treat my husband and encourage him. Sometimes I feel as though I am in a rut. Anyone else feel just like a housekeeper and nanny sometimes? Maybe it is just me. Oh well. I am doing it so I can be a better wife to my darling husband.
Anyone have any resolutions or challenges?
1 comment:
I have a couple New Year plans- I am not reading the Bible through, but I am doing Table Talk by Ligonier Ministries daily which is going through the gospel of Matthew this year. Also, I am reading daily Heart Aflame, which are meditations on the psalms by John Calvin written for each day. And the other thing I am working on is prayer- more than just praying for a couple minutes- but a daily longer prayer of praise and thanks then a continual conversation through the day. The key for me is to go to bed early so I get up!
As far as being a better wife and mom, I have been actively working on it since August, and will try to continue to seek ways to bless Dave daily with some action, and I am trying to watch my TONE with the kids :))). Patience, mercy, humility, love, tenderheartedness, gentleness... all those EASY things to learn, you know?
Thanks for sharing what you are doing- it was really encouraging! I will pray for you as you endeavor to do these things in the Lord this year; pray for me too!
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