Saturday, March 29, 2008
Another ER Trip
The wonderful joy of having boys. I was in fixing dinner tonight (spaghetti) and talking to my neighbor who had stopped by when we heard that hurt kind of cry coming from a child. You know the kind of cry where you know that someting is wrong. William comes in and he is hysterical. Apparently Alex had thrown a scooter at him and hit his finger. It looked okay for a few minutes and then it started to swell and the tip turned blue. Well, I knew that was not a good sign. He would not let me come near it. I called my sister who is an athletic trainer and she said it was probably broken. Off to ER for the second time in a week. The x-ray confirmed a small chip in the tip of the finger on his left hand. William got to see the x-ray. Leave it to a homeschooler to ask the doctor if her child can examine the x-ray. William now wants to study anatomy. We stopped at Cold Stone Creamery for a snack. They are one of the few places open at 10:30 at night. It was yummy and William got to spend some one on one time with me (and Sam.) We need to follow up with the orthopedic doctor in a week. All in all the first experience with a broken bone (I don't count Sam's collar bone) went rather well. I don't mean that I want the other kids to go and break something. Carl said it was a wimpy bone to break. Leave to a man to say something like that. William's only complaint is that the metal splint makes it harder to ride a bike and play video games. Just like a boy!
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oh my! poor guy!
Mel--you are up at the computer!
Kimberly--Sorry you have had such a week. Life with boys is such an adventure. When Carl was little I just knew I was going to spend a lot of time in the ER with him; however, he somehow was able to take a licking and keep on ticking (and give a licking that kept others from ticking). His brothers were another story. Although as a mom who had not had much contact with boys, I would probably have been running there weekly, Bill, who knew all about boys, would probably have never taken them. (Oh just ding it--were his most common words when any of the boys hurt themselves. I never knew exactly how you "ding" something but I came to realize it was a translation of "suck it up". I guess it's good kids have two parents.
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