Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Finally some snow down here. It is still snowing as I type and we already have about 5 or 6 inches on the ground. The govenor has declared a state of emergency (Ha!). They have so many accidents on the road right now that the police can't keep up. They are encouraging everyone to just stay home. The kids have already played outside for about an hour. Esther cried because her hands hurt when they started to warm up. A couple of neighborhood kids had some sleds and in our backyard is a great hill. It ends in a stream at the bottom so mean mom made Carl stand at the bottom to catch fast sledders from landing in the water. I stayed inside and cooked up a lunch of cinnamon rolls and pancakes. Carl made some scrambled eggs with veggies and we had hot chocolate to drink. The kids are now playing the WII we got for Christmas and enjoying a day of daddy not going to work. Although he does have one crazy coworker who went in to work and keeps calling him with questions. Carl took a bunch of videos and some will make you laugh. Here are my favorite.


nini14 said...

Was that Nathan? Oh boy looks like fun! A lot quieter here--but the snow was beautiful today.

Tara-- said...

So fun!!!

Kimberly Trautman said...

It actually was William. NAthan bailed out before the edge every time.

Davesgirl said...

I can't believe we didn't get anything!!!