Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Memory for today - Boy of Girl?

I had my ultrasound today. I was excited but did not want to get my hopes up. I did that with Caleb and ended up crying in the ultrasound room. This time I was prepared. I did not think too much about the whole boy or girl thing. I have been praying for girl for a long time but was trying to prepare myself for a boy too. I knew that whatever it was that it was God's perfect plan. I had been preparing Esther by saying to her that "God never says oops." I had promised her that when we found out that we would buy an outfit and let her open the gift to discover the sex of the baby. We found out and bought an outfit and wrapped it up in a bag. We got home and of course all the kids were so excited. Esther sat down and opened the gift and started screaming. We had wrapped a beautiful pink dress in blue tissue paper. It's a girl. Everyone just started yelling. My mom and dad were crying especially when Esther started crying and laughing at the same time. It was hilarious. We were all excited and a little bit shocked. I had wanted a girl but had been prepared for a boy. In the ultrasound room we were talking to the technician about how many boys we had. She said "Well, looks very girlie." Carl and I were silent for a second. She said it so softly that I was afraid I had heard her wrong. We looked at each other and said "What?" She assured us the baby really is a girl. Just as the boys were very clear in the ultrasound this little one was very clearly a girl. There was a concern they had. The kidneys were dilated a little off. One was dilated too much and the other was not dilated enough. I have to go back at 26 weeks for another ultrasound. I am trying not to worry about it especially since the doctor said this particular problem is an indication for downs syndrome. I am not even going to do research on it as I do not need any more stress right now. She was really pushing us to get some testing done but Carl and I are just trusting the Lord that his plan for this little girl is perfect. I am instead concentrating on buying a new wardrobe that is all pink and purple as everything I own is for little boys.


The T fam said...

Yippeee!!!!! Cait and I are squealing with excitement! Can't wait to see more PINK in your family!!!!
Love and miss you!

Tara-- said...

Yay for another little girl!! I can just imagine how excited Esther is! Finally a sister for her! I'll be praying about the situation with the kidneys....we went through a lot of that stuff with Reid if you want to talk. Will you have another ultrasound to check it?

Tara-- said...

Oh, I didn't read carefully enough. :) Glad you are getting it checked out in case it is something that needs to be followed and treated. Don't worry about it being a Down's marker. They would have probably found additional markers during the ultrasound if that were the case. No need to stress right now. :)
Congrats again!

Andi said...

Congratulations! I love my nieces :)