Wednesday, April 20, 2011

God's Best in Exchange for My Better

One of my favorite music groups was Watermark. Christy Noekels and her husband are no longer singing as Watermark and she has a solo career now. One of my favorite songs they ever sang was called Mended. It talks about God taking the broken parts of our lives and making them into something beautiful. There is one phrase of the song that makes me teary ever time I hear it. I have often thought about singing this song in church but I know that I would never last without becoming a blubbering mess. The phrase that gets me every time "You give us your best, for what we thought was better." I was listening to the song yesterday morning before that crew invaded the kitchen for breakfast. Just as that phrase was being sung Daniel, Sam, and Caleb came running down the stairs and started happily (for once) chasing each other around the kitchen table just laughing and having the best time being brothers. I thought to myself how many times I had told God that I could not handle seven children let alone 8. I have been complaining to God over what I thought was my tough lot in life with seven kids 12 and under and being pregnant. It just like God spoke to me and said "This is my best for you right now." I have in my head what I think my life should look like but God has something much better in mind. His best. Watching those three precious boys play together just reminded me that what I think is a burden is God's best. His plan is to fill the world with men and women who love Him and bring Him honor. Those three little boys could go on to become great men of God who spend their lives praising Him and bringing glory to His name. As I watched them play yesterday I thought back to finding out I was pregnant with each one. Carl had just gone back to Kuwait when I found out I was pregnant with Daniel. I cried thinking of going through 4 months of the pregnancy by myself with four little kids to look after. Carl and I were really struggling in our marriage when I found out I was pregnant with Sam. I remember thinking that I may be raising this child on my own along with 5 others. With Caleb, my dad was just recovering from leukemia and my mom had just found out she had a brain tumor. I remember thinking that I don't have time to be pregnant. What if something happens to my mom and I have to take care of my dad? Now, my parents are both still alive and Carl and I are improving our marriage day by day but that is where I was. I remember thinking that I did not want to be pregnant with each one of those precious little boys who yesterday were running around my kitchen bringing me joy. I thought about things yesterday and God gently reminded me that HE knows what he is doing and nothing is s surprise to him. I confessed those thoughts of not wanting to be pregnant a long time ago but Satan has a way of bringing them to mind every once in while and making me feel guilty. I feel guilty no longer. God has erased those thoughts as far as the east is from the west and I can now enjoy the BEST that he has so richly blessed me with. What I think may be better for me may be hindering me from receiving the Best God has in store for my life. What is in your life that is keeping you from God's BEST?

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