I have been trying to post a picture every day this year so here is today's. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Today was the Kids Exchange. I have been going through the kids clothes and the entire house to purge things and see what we need. I went with a specific list of things that I needed for each child. I found everything on my list. It was like the Lord went before me and allowed me to find just what I needed. I was even very close to my budget (Esther's comforter pushed me over $30.) I took Esther with me and she was such a helper. It was so encouraging to see how helpful she was. She watched Tirzah and took care of her the entire time. It was kind of funny watching people's reaction when she changed Tirzah's diaper which happened to be one of the cloth ones. It made my heart glad to see what a wonderful girl she is. That was the first way I was encouraged today. The second came in the form of a lady I do not know. While I was looking for shoes for Sam and Caleb another mother and I got to talking. She asked me what size I was looking for and I laughed and said all. With the boys in the house someone will eventually fit into them. She asked me how many kids I had and I told her. Instead of the wide eyed, open mouthed silence I normally get she responded with a big smile and told me how blessed I was. She had a little one in a sling and she told me that it was her fifth baby. We had a good conversation about the church we attend and I found out that she is one of 11 kids, 8 boys and 3 girls. It was such an encouragement to talk to someone who values children as Carl and I do. We later saw her on another isle and Esther was with me this time. She told Esther what a good big sister she was and how she was such a blessing to me. Esther's smile was huge. The third way I was encouraged today came in the form of an old friend. This friend went to our old church. She is now homeschooling her children and I am so glad. She commented that she has enjoyed reading my blogs and I was floored. I thought no one read my blog. I really have been writing just to so my kids could look back one day and have some recorded memories of growing up. I was so encouraged that the words that the Lord gives me could brighten the lives of others, especially women who are in the same stage of life as I am. Raising children is no easy task, especially if you want to do it in a way that honors and glorifies God. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives, the diapers and discipline and cleaning, the laundry and meals and schooling, that we forget that their are women who need our help. We all can encourage one another, even if it just saying hi and giving a smile. Sometimes it seems like I can go the whole week and not speak to another person over the age of 12, except my sweet husband. It should not be that way. Yes, our focus needs to be on raising our children and being a help meet to our husbands. Let us not forget though that we are to encourage and uplift one another. We need to seek out friendships with those who are of a like mind and reach out to those we see hurting and need Jesus. Finding that balance is something I need to work on everyday. My world is not just my kids and my house and my husband. The world is full of people who need to hear my words of encouragement just like I need to hear yours. So, if you read my blog I am praying that the ramblings of this mother in the midst of being a help meet to a pretty fantastic guy and raising eight wonderful blessings for the glory of God will bring you some encouragement and maybe a laugh or two. I pray that whatever encouragement you get here you will pass on to another soul that needs it. Look for opportunities to encourage those around you and don't just limit it to those you know. The cashier at Walmart just may need to smile. The mom you see struggling with her two year old who is screaming in Target my just need a a look that lets her know that you know how she feels and also a prayer lifted up on her behalf. That man you see in the Bojangles may just need a simple hello to make his day. Ask the Lord to send people your way that need encouragement. He will answer that prayer so be on the lookout.
I have been trying to post a picture every day this year so here is today's. Enjoy.
I have been trying to post a picture every day this year so here is today's. Enjoy.
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1 comment:
Great post, Kimberly! I am so happy that you were encouraged today! Thank you for the reminders to be an encouragement to others. Tirzah is so precious in that picture!
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