Having sick little ones is always so draining for me. Especially when there is really nothing I can do. Caleb had a fever and ear infection last week. Esther has had a headache and fever since church on Sunday. Tirzah has had a swollen eye and an ear infection too. Sam put himself to bed last night because he did not feel well. Tirzah did not sleep well last night and really did not get to sleep until after 1. She woke up at 5 with a very high fever. We gave her medicine only to have her throw it all up and everything she ate last night. She is finally asleep again after a cool bath. Sam is also in our room sleeping after he woke at 5:30 and needed medicine. There are a few others who feel warm to me as I walked in every room to check on them. It is going to be a jammy day at the Trautman house today as I am exhausted already and it is not even 7:00 in the morning. Please pray for my little guys, especially Tirzah who seems to be the worst.
It got me to thinking though as I lay awake last night trying to console Tirzah. This is a sickness that I just need to let run its course. I can only treat the symptoms. I can't make them well or take this away from them as much as I want to. It hurts to see them suffer. It breaks my heart. But, there is a problem that I can help them fix. There is a cure for their sin problem. They are born with a sin nature that is sending them to hell as a punishment. But I know the cure and I need to teach them what it is. As much as we mothers want our children be healed when they are sick we should want them to fix their sin problem more. We have a cure for that and his name is Jesus. Am I on my knees seeking the Lord on how to guide them to Him as much as I pray for healing when they are physically sick.? Do I spend as much time and effort on teaching them who Jesus is as I am on healing them when they have a virus and don't feel well physically? Their physical sicknesses are draining and bothersome but what will I do if I lose them to the world? Now, I know that it their own personal decision to accept Christ but I should be putting more effort into their spiritual well being than I do into their physical well being. Can I say at the end of the day that I am exhausted from trying to lead them to a spiritual cure? If not then I am not doing my job as a mother. I need to be exhausted from being on my knees interceeding for my children. I need to be exhausted from reading the Bible in preparation for dealing with the problems they may have. I need to be exhausted from learning ways to bring them to the Lord. I need to be exhausted from spending time with them and teaching them who He is. Yes, I am tired from taking care of their sick bodies but I need to be more tired from taking care of their spiritual well being.
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