Friday, February 15, 2013

A Loss, A Find, and Something Homemade 2/15/13

A gift in losing, finding, and making something

136. Losing - the loss of my grandmother this summer. She had been in pain for so long and kept expressing a desire to just "go home." She passed into the arms of Jesus to peace and seeing her husband again. Her death also made me reexamine how I mother. She was a woman who exuded a meek and quiet spirit. Her children all said they could remember only one time that she yelled. It made me desire to have a meek and quiet spirit with my own children.

137. March 21, 1986 - The day I found myself washed anew with the blood of Jesus Christ. I asked Jesus to be my Savior that day while praying with my mother. It all came about by my first failing grade ever, pre algebra.

138. Making my own laundry detergent. It gives me great satisfaction to make something that i know what is in and am protecting my children from unwanted chemicals and perfumes. My 3 year old and my baby girl break out when I use anything but homemade detergent.

I love Carl because he came home early to spend time with his parents who are visiting from Maryland and we had a date night tonight.

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