Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Love of God 2/14/13

3 ways I feel the Love of God

133. The fact that he has planned every day of my life shows me how much he loves me. Nothing is a surprise to him and he never says "Oops." Every thing that he has planned for me and given to me has been determined just right for me. He only wants good things for me and even the hard things are meant to make me grow close to him and to become more like him.

134. Knowing that from the first sin, God made a way to redeem us. He knew that Adam and Eve were going to sin and already made a way to save us from death. It is amazing to me that he loved us that much.

135. He removes our sins as far as the east is from the west. Satan may bring up my sin again and try to make me feel guilty but God never does. If I have truly repented and turned from my sin then he does not bring it up again.

I love Carl because he understands that when he calls and I complain about the cake taking longer than I expected to bake, dinner not being started, and the house being a mess that I am not really mad at him. I am just venting. The cake got made and was delicious, dinner was late but delicious, and my house will get clean tomorrow. He loves me despite my grumblings.

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