Three Gifts Behind a Door
130. All of my children as little babies. When they first woke in the morning and I would hear them start to talk and then slowly open the door and peer in at them. That first smile of the day that said "I love you, Mom" is the best in the whole world.
131. A knock on the door of my 6th grade classroom 15 years ago. Behind that door was my sweet boyfriend, now husband, who was wearing a suit and had flowers and a stuffed bear. He also had a beautifully designed engagement ring and asked me to marry him right in front of 30 screaming and giggling 6th graders.
132. Watching my husband arrive home from work and be tackled by eight children. My boys are running at him full force. My oldest daughter is launching herself into his arms for a hug. My sweet Tirzah girl, who just learned to say Dad-Dy just runs as fast as her little legs can carry her and holds her arms up until he reaches down to pick her up. She then wraps her arms securely around his neck and just smiles. What a sight to see every evening. It makes me cry every time.
I love Carl because he brings Bo Berry biscuits for the kids in the morning but still encourages me to stay on my juice fast.
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