Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Finally some snow down here. It is still snowing as I type and we already have about 5 or 6 inches on the ground. The govenor has declared a state of emergency (Ha!). They have so many accidents on the road right now that the police can't keep up. They are encouraging everyone to just stay home. The kids have already played outside for about an hour. Esther cried because her hands hurt when they started to warm up. A couple of neighborhood kids had some sleds and in our backyard is a great hill. It ends in a stream at the bottom so mean mom made Carl stand at the bottom to catch fast sledders from landing in the water. I stayed inside and cooked up a lunch of cinnamon rolls and pancakes. Carl made some scrambled eggs with veggies and we had hot chocolate to drink. The kids are now playing the WII we got for Christmas and enjoying a day of daddy not going to work. Although he does have one crazy coworker who went in to work and keeps calling him with questions. Carl took a bunch of videos and some will make you laugh. Here are my favorite.

Monday, January 19, 2009

We Are Supposed to Get Snow!

The weather this year in NC has been weird. Cold one week and then warm the next. This past week it has been freezing, and I do mean the coldest weather that NC has seen in ten years. We have had flurries already for several days but nothing has stayed. Tomorrow we are expecting 2 to 4 inches. That is big deal down here. Everyone is freaking out. The grocery stores are packed and so are the gas stations. The last snow we had was a surprise storm that came in the middle of the day. Schools freaked and let kids out. Buses got stranded on the road because no one knew how to drive in snow or ice. There were abandoned cars on the side of the road for a week. People were trapped at work and the some kids were trapped at school. Everyone is being very cuatious this time around. Luckily the storm is suppopsed to come overnight so the schools should be okay. I need to go out and buy hats and gloves for the kids. It is not something we use a lot down here. I know I have some but I can't find them. The kids have probably outgrown them anyway. Last night Carl and Alex stood back to back and Alex comes up almost to Carl's shoulder. Wow! Time flies. Just wanted to let you all know about our white forecast. I will take pictures for everyone if it really does snow.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cd I Highly Recommend

I bought this CD at the home school fair this past May. I like to listen to it every couple months because it is just so good. It is Doug Philips A Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husbands Vision. Talk about a kick in the pants. It is absolutely fabulous and very convicting. One of the things that struck me this time I was listening to it was the fact about the bricks. He said that our husbands have bricks on them from their jobs, church, family, other people and circumstances around them. It is our job as wives to try and ease some of the pressure from these bricks. The one thing that he said that really made me think was that as wives we sometimes add more bricks to his pile without even realizing that we are doing it. It could be just a passing comment to our husbands but in their mind it is another brick added to their pile. Wow! How many bricks have I unintentionally put on Carl? I decided that I am really going to try to not add any more bricks to Carl. I am going to put a note on my bathroom mirror that simply says NO MORE BRICKS. I hope that it serves as a reminder to build up my husband and not tear him down. I highly recommend buying the CD or trying to get a copy from someone else. If you have it already, listen to it again.