Wednesday, January 16, 2013

21 Days

What habit would you most like to establish this year?
It takes 21 days for something to become a habit in your life. We need to be consistent for those 21 days for it to become ingrained in us that we do it without thinking. For me, this year, I feel like my daily time with God and my prayer time are the habits I need to establish. I have neglected a time of daily devotion with God for a while now and I can see that it has been detrimental. Jesus himself went off by himself early in the morning to be with the Father. He knew that in order to have the strength he needed for the day that he had to go and meet with the one who gives us strength. He had so many people clamoring for his attention. Everywhere he went he met people in need. Sometimes I feel like all I do all day is run from one child needing something to another child needing something entirely different. With several children who have ADHD and other learning disabilities I feel like I am chained to the school room during the day just to keep kids on track with school work. As soon as school is over I have to run around to get the house straight and dinner on the table. I feel like I am worn out by the time Carl gets home and I feel like I have nothing left to give him. That is a sin on my part. I am a wife first and a mother second. So, my quandary is this, where do I find the energy to get to the end of day in order to have energy left my dear husband? He is on the battlefield all day long. He is out there in the world defending his faith. The enemy is constantly trying to discourage him. I want our home to be a place where he can come and be energized and encouraged. I want it to be a place where he can relax and feel loved. So, what do I do? How do I be the helpmeet that Carl needs? First, I need to realize that the only person who is capable of helping Carl in this life is me. I am his wife. God chose us to be together from the beginning of time and he does not make mistakes or say oops. That bring me back the original question. What habit do I need to establish this year. Here it is, a daily consistent time with God, preferably in the morning. Jesus started his day out with meeting with the Father. He is our example so I should follow him. That is tough because I am a night owl and I hate mornings. I need to do this though so I can draw near to him before the chaos of my day starts. I also need to meet with him at night to examine my day to see where I went wrong and how I can do better tomorrow. Just a little side note, I also want to start reading the bible to my children every day.

Three things I am thankful for :
Witnessed blessings

46. Esther and Sam running off and her helping him write a letter to me telling me he is sorry for whining this morning. Sam is 5 and Esther is 9. What good that did for my heart this morning. We have been struggling with devotions in the morning. The little ones are learning to sit still.

47. My sweet man calling and offering to bring home pizza. I have started a couch to 5k program and I am in my first week. I am sore and tired. A double blessing is the dinner I had in the crock pot, which still needed some attention, is ready for dinner tomorrow.

48. A dear friend from church encouraged me this morning. She and her husband used the "I love you because..." idea that my sweet man and I have been doing with a seminar that they were teaching last night. It so encouraged me and I needed it. It brought tears to my eyes and validated that I need to keep going in encouraging and uplifting my sweet man.

I love Carl because of the way he puts the little ones to "bed."

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