What area of my life most needs simplifying, and what is one way I can simplify in that area?
Hmm. Where to begin? There a lot of things that need simplifying in my life. I think the most needful area is stuff that we own as a family. Our house is full of things. Things we use every day but a lot of things that I actually have forgotten we own. Because of disorganization I have ended up buying duplicates of a lot of things. The kids have so many clothes that their closets are bulging. They don't even play with half the toys in the playroom. Let us not being to talk about the garage. The outside is also cluttered with toys and miscellaneous things. We just own too much. I have tried to get rid of a lot but it always ends up being replaced. I think part of my problem is that I love a good deal. I will buy something I do not need just because it is a really good deal. I don't even want to begin to talk about yard sales and thrift stores. Is saving money and finding good deals an honorable thing? I think it is. Is taking it too far and not meeting the needs of others around me a bad thing? Yes, I believe it is a sin to see someone in need and know you have the resources to meet that need , yet do not. I have always been under the impression that I need to keep it for myself just in case I might need it one day. I have been convicted recently that I am not doing enough to meet the needs of those around me. There is a world that needs to see people live out the love of Jesus Christ. I also have seen how detrimental that attitude of keeping everything for my family has harmed my children. They are very selfish and prideful. They are constantly fighting over who has the most or the biggest piece, who had the longest turn, and not sharing anything. They would rather fight their sibling than share. I have been trying to teach them recently about giving back for the glory of The Lord. It is a hard road after we have spent so many years living one way and now we want to honor God more. Let me just say that Satan has been working overtime to discourage me in the changes I am trying to make in my home. Today, especially was a day filled with bad attitudes, whining, and complaining. It has taken so much energy to not go back into the habit of yelling and anger. I am exhausted. It does not help that I also started day 1 of my couch to 5k program today. I did not realize how out of shape I am. I am ashamed of myself for allowing my body to get this way. It is going to be a hArd road to get to a healthy stage in my life.
Back to the question. So, I need to simplify stuff. I think what I need to do is to go room by room and really purge all the things. I need to do a deep cleaning to find everything that may be hidden. I also need to keep a running list of things I need so I won't be tempted to buy things I already have. I also need to donate the excess in our life to a family or organization that needs it more than I do. It is going to take a while but I feel that my life will be better for it
Three things I am thankful for today:
Startling Graces of God
40. The fact that I am loved by a man who loves his wife and family so much that he is willing to work so hard to provide for us. He is truly my hero and I do not deserve him. God is so good.
41. I live in a country where I have the freedom, for now, to worship God and to share that faith with others around me. I have a church that I go to and songs to sing without fear of prison or death. There are people all of the world dying for the name of Jesus. What grace that he chose me to live in a country where I can freely worship him.
42. The holy word of God is ours to hold and read and study. We have the whole word unlike past generations that only had portions or it was not in their native tongue. Praise God that I have several bookshelves full of Bibles in different versions, sizes, and colors. It is truly God's grace to afford us the word of God here where we can read it in print or on the computer, iPad, phone, or even listen to it in our homes and cars. How blessed we are.
I love Carl because he was patient with Alex this morning and took him out to have one on one time together. I could tell the difference today in his attitude. Praise God for small moves forward.
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