Today's question - " what is the single biggest time waster in your life and what will you do about it this year?"
I am still fighting this flu bug so I am tired today. My post may be short or may be long. I think this is an awesome question for me today because of the events that took place this evening. I was so tired after church that I came home and took a little nap. I was kind of in and out as the boys had the football game on. Go Ravens! I kept being woke up and disturbed by children asking if they could play on my phone, iPad, iPod, Wii U and computer. Does anyone see where this is going? I finally got so frustrated that I stormed upstairs to my room where I proceeded to watch 2 hours of ... Cooking shows on my iPad. About 6 I decided I better go downstairs and get dinner started. I was met with every one of my children watching or playing some kind of electronic device. I was upset and Carl and I ended up arguing about dinner. It was not a pretty evening at the Trautman house. After dinner I went back upstairs and proceeded to watch more cooking shows and videos on YouTube. Oh, my! I was eventually convicted enough to stop and start my devotions around 10pm. My Psalm tonight was 6, where David is grieved over his sin to point that it makes him physically ill. Wow! Am I that convicted and grieved over my sin? Not normally. Tonight though I became extremely convicted about this time waster in my life and in the lives of my children. Television and video games have become our time waster. I have been convicted about this lately. I need to come up with some way to stop the amount of time that myself and the children spend looking at a screen of some kind. First thing I need to do is confess this before God. I need to bring it to him and pray and seek his guidance about what to do. Do I take everything away for a while? Do I put limitations about certain times? How do I go about breaking this horrible habit? I think I need to start simply by filling our schedules up so that we haves less free time. I also think I put time limits on it, like no tv after 9:00 or no tv until after lunch. I need to sit down and come up with a plan that Carl and I can agree is feasible. Then i need to have him hold me accountable. I already have been making some good changes. Today was actually the first time all week that I watched a tv show. I have been listening to sermons in the evening. Tonight I just slipped into that old habit again and I did not like the effects it had on my family. I need to keep on with the changes God is leading me to.
Three things I am thankful for today:
16. One thing in my bag- a checkbook that means my husband has a job that provides for our family
17. In my fridge -leftover Mac-n-cheese so I do it have to fix lunch tomorrow my heart -the love of a man who still loves me after being married 15 years to a sinner
I love Carl because you love me despite that I am a sinner !
Can you tell it was a rough evening?
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