Who is the person you most want of encourage this year?
My sweet husband. I have done so much to discourage him in the years we have been married. I have been prideful and selfish. I have thought only of myself. This year I am beginning to find my joy in serving others more and meeting their needs. I want to do this for Carl. Starting on our anniversary, December 20, I decided to write a reason why I love him every day. So far I think I have only missed one day. I have had so much fun writing them on the frames I put up. Some days are funny reasons and some days are serious. Some days are confessions and some days are passionate. The Lord has been revealing to me these days how much I love Carl and what a strong man he is. I am amazed at the fact that he has grown so much in The Lord recently. I am so proud of him. I feel privileged to be called his wife. He is not without flaws but he readily admits them and strives to turn from them. I so want our home to be a sanctuary for him. I want him to come home and feel so loved that it is hard for him to leave the next day. I then want to send him off to work ready to face the giants he may encounter in the world, knowing that whatever happens he has a wife at home who adores him. I am going to work diligently this year to encourage Carl and to make him feel more respected.
49. A gift bringing laughter - my sweet little girl throwing her hands up in the air and yelling "yeah." She then looks around and waits for everyone else to do the same. Once we do it and are quiet she does it all over again. She grins so much while playing this game.
50. A gift bringing prayer - being woken in the middle of the night for 2 hours feeling like I am under spiritual attack and reading my bible and praying for my husband and children until sleep claims me again.
51. A gift bringing peace- my sweet husband putting the little ones to bed and then playing video games with the older ones. It allows me to time to have devotions and write in my blogs. What a special time each night.
I love my man because he keeps encouraging me to keep exercising and tells me not to give up even though I am in pain.
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