At the beginning of a new year we are always encouraged to make new resolutions that we will keep throughout the year. This year is no different for me. This year I actually would like to keep them. I do well some years and others not so well. Last year was one of those years where I was just in a pit. It was self made of self pity and laziness and the stink of sin. For the sake of my children and my family this year must be different. I have been researching what I want to change this year. There is so much information out there. With instant access to the Internet with phones, iPads, and computers we can look up any kind of information we want. We can easily get overwhelmed. We can get to the point where we are so bombarded by good information from godly women that we do nothing. That is where I was last year. That is where satan wants me right now. I need to be careful that I do only what The Lord wants me to do. I have decided that I am going to take the whole month of January to reevaluate where I am and where God wants me to be. I am going to do that by answering 31 questions. These questions are designed to guide me to where God wants me do be. I have already made some changes and some resolutions. But I want to take it a step further. I want to prayerfully come before God and in his presence and like it says in Haggai 1:5 "consider your ways".
Question 1
What is one thing I can do this year to increase my enjoyment of God?
I think this one is pretty simple. I need to spend more time with him. I have neglected my walk with Christ this past year. There were times that I got close to God but it was not consistent. I did not have a day in and day out communication time with him. I need to come before him every day. I need to be in a spirit of prayer all day long. I need to purpose in my heart to do this everyday. I need to enjoy that time and look forward to it. I need to be joyful when it comes to meeting with my God. I need to think of things to be joyful about and confess that before God. If I think if just three things to be thankful for every day, by the end of the year I will have listed over 1000 things.
Today I am thankful for 3 things I hear.
1. Christian music that is God honoring.
2. The laughter of my children.
3. The pounding feet of little ones running to kiss daddy goodbye before he leaves for work.
I am also trying to list one thing a day that makes me love Carl.
I love him because he allowed us to take William and Nathan to see the Hobbit yesterday.
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