Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Extra 3 Months

I figured it out last night. If I go two weeks late with Samuel that will be an extra 12 weeks of pregnancy for me all together. That is 3 months! I just thought that was an interesting fact. It is depressing when your midwife tells you that there is no reason to check for dialation since I always go late. I hope that Samuel comes soon so I can attend my own son's baptism. If I get induced on the 1st that means Samuel (with my history of LONG inductions) won't be born until Wednesday. I won't even be home a day or two before William's baptism. I am praying that Samuel is born soon so I have time to recover before the 7th. I am keeping myself busy doing housework. I am trying to get evrything ready so I have a clean house. I go grocery shopping tomorrow and Carl just called to make sure I buy easy to fix stuff. The kids luckily are not picky eaters. They are content with chicken and potates every night. I don't know what I would do without my older boys. They have been such a help this pregnacny. William can even get Daniel out of his crib and changed and dressed in the morning. What a blessing each of my children are including this stubborn little one who just likes it nice and warm where is for now.


nini14 said...

God has a wonderful way of working things out and He knows just what you need and when! Trusting Him with you in this. Eric was 16 1/2 before he decided to be baptized, although he had placed his trust in Christ several years before that. He waited until I had been in a bad car accident, causing a compound fracture of my leg. I had to have surgery to put the leg back together with a Hoffman device in place (big metal rods extended from my leg). Eric was baptized while I was recovering from all that. I had to be very careful not to put any pressure on that leg (and the doctor cautioned me that it was very important not to fall). For that reason I was housebound and didn't go out unless for a doctor visit (which were frequent) and then was transported in a wheelchair. But I was determined to see my son baptized so I swallowed my fear and pride (it didn't look very pretty!) and went to church that morning and sat in the back in a wheelchair.
The point of this long discourse is that your mother's love and God's strength will prevail! You'll see William baptized and have a new baby to show off as well!

Davesgirl said...

I'm glad the boys are so helpful to you- what a blessing :)

The T fam said...

Kimberly, You are too funny about the extra weeks of pregnancy! Kind of depressing when you stop to think about it. I'll be praying that all the logistics work out so you can be there at William's baptism!