Thursday, August 20, 2009

Aunt Andi

I am not sure how to spell Didi so I just put this post to Aunt Andi. Esther is really eager to have you pick which dress she is to wear for the wedding. I took some picutres so you could see the options.
Option #1 A White Dress that my niece wore in a wedding

Option 2 A Yellow Dress that would go good with the blue

Option 3 A green dress I got at a yard

Let us know which one you like. She is very concerned about wearing the one that you like. Anyone else can vote too but Andi's vote wins.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Isn't it weird sometimes what the Lord lays on our hearts? I have been reading this book again and last night I just got this overwhelming desire to introduce other women to this book. Our home school co-op has ladies Bible studies and I am thinking that the Lord might be leading me to teach a class next semester. Talk about scary. I just have really enjoyed this book and besides the Bible it is the one book I keep reading over and over. I plan on doing an in-depth study of it. By that I mean I want to dig into all the scripture references and really meditate on them. Unfortunately there is no companion study guide to go along with the book so I am on my own. Please pray as I try to determine if this is something the Lord really wants me to do. Also pray for other women who need the message this book talks about. The ideas are pretty radical for our day and age but it all comes from scripture so we should not fight against the ideas. One of the authors is a former feminist so she knows what she is talking about. Her story alone is worth the price of the book. Read the book if you have not already and pray for the Lord's direction for me in this matter.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Caleb Asher

I think that I have the cutest little boy in the world. He is so sweet (when he is being held).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I opened the garage door this morning only to be met with an awful smell. It smelled like a sewer. I immediately knew what happened. Alex went to the freezer and got some meat out for a meal and left the door open to the freezer. That was Saturday night. The four hottest days of the year did a number on the very full freezer. We lost everything. I called my mom in tears. I knew there was no way I could get it all cleaned up by myself. She graciously came over to help me clean up the awful mess in the garage. We ended up throwing away three bags of food and three bags of clothes (donations that had been sitting next to the freezer.) I almost cried as I threw it all away. After my mom and I cleaned up the best we could we went to the grocery store. I still smell like bleach but at least I have food for the next couple days. Alex was afraid I would be upset with him but it was a complete accident. All of this happened on the day that Sam's speech coordinator was to come over the house. She arrived to kids eating lunch while watching a movie, Sam with his shirt off (chicken salad and yogurt do not mix well together), and a very frustrated mommy (this was all before my mom got there.) I wonder what the Lord wants me to learn from all this. Probably more patience and compassion for a very upset Alex (he felt so bad when I cried). Alex is getting real lessons in responsibility as this is the second time in a week that he has caused damage to property (he broke the side mirror on our van in a fit of anger.) At least this time I knew it was not done on purpose. I also think the Lord is trying to teach me that well laid plans sometimes need to be broken. This week we started school and today we only got through three subjects, one of them being Bible where we learned about compassion. Oh, well. At least my freezer is now clean and the garage floor has been bleached.

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's Been A While

I am still here. Just busy. Having a newborn and 6 others to take care of is a 24 hour job. Caleb is sleeping through the night on his own now. For the first few weeks he slept snuggled right next to me (not that I minded having him close). Not Carl. Me. I had about 5 inches of bed with Caleb right next to me and Carl had the rest of our KING size bed.
I have been busy getting ready for the school year. Thanks to mom Trautman, who watched the kids for 2 weeks, my house is much more organized and less cluttered. I do intend on getting some pictures up and finish Caleb birth story. I just wanted people to know that I am still here. Tired but here.