Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nailed Together - April 6,2013

Three things nailed together

286. The walls of my house which we saw last night. We had to cut a hole in the wall due to a leak in my bathtub. We had water all in our upstairs bathroom and bedroom floor. I am so thankful for a roof over my head and a wonderful house at that. I know sometimes I complain about it not being big enough or the laundry room or the front room but I am so thankful for the blessing we have in this house.

287. The hope chest at the foot of my bed. Right now it holds pictures and mementos from my childhood and from my children. I have notebooks of poetry and drawings and other various things that I and my children have done over the years. I hope to pass it onto my daughter one day filled with the things that she needs to start her own household.

288. The shelves in my mothers house that holds all the families pictures. My two sisters and I have 12 children between us and the shelves are quite full. I love looking at all the pictures as I am the only one of the sisters that live near my parents. My other sister is in Colorado and my little sister is traveling all over the country on deputation to be missionaries to Spain. I miss them.

This day also reminds me of the cross that was nailed together and the nails that were pounded into my Savior's hands and feet. How blessed we are because of the sacrifice that he made on the cross for us. I am reminded of the words of a song I heard this morning. There is nothing that I can do that cannot be covered by what Christ did on the cross. All my sin is covered and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen!!!

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