Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Lord Guides Our Every Step

I got a call from my mom this evening. The first thing she asked me was if Carl was home. I knew something was up. They had just recieved a call from the doctor's office. He was supposed to have an appointment next week to get back the test results of the bone marrow biopsy. The blood tests came back fine. The doctor got the results back today and it is confirmed that he has leukemia. They caught it so early that the leukemia is not in his blood stream. I am in shock right now not really believing this is happening. They asked him to come in right away. He went to Duke within an hour of the phone call and has already had his first dose of chemo. HE is supposed to get it twice a day and he has to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks. He can have very well vistitors so I cannot go for a while. All the kids are getting sick with some coughing upper respiratory thing. At least they are not throwing up. Ic don't think I could handle that. I spent the entire evening with a huge migrane just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he has leukemia. The doctors are very opptimistic as it is rare for it to be caught this early. They say that it is just in his bone marrow and not in his blood so they have a good chance of killing it all. We are all just praising God that he had those chest pains last week or it might have been found a lot later and maybe too late to do anything about it. It is amazing how much prayer has been happening over my father. I know he is right where the Lord needs him to be. A lady out in Colorado who is an aqquaitnace of my brother in law has been praying for my dad for a while. She told my brother-in-law Eric that two weeks ago she was led that Kellie's father needed prayer. This was even before my dad had the chest pains that sent him to the hospital. Isn't the Lord amazing? He prepares us for what lies ahead even before it occurs and covers us with prayers from beleivers all over the country. Thank you all for lifting up my dad in your prayers. Continue to do so as it is going to be tough sitting in a hosptial room for 6 weeks. Pray for my mom also as they have never been apart this long in 36 years of marriage.


Tara-- said...

So sorry, Kimberly. I'll keep praying.

Davesgirl said...

How horrible for your family- I will surely keep praying. For all of you...

The T fam said...

Praying for quick healing for your Dad and comfort and peace for your whole family.