Tuesday, August 28, 2007

In Need of Prayer Again

Alright, I had two appointments today. The first was for Daniel. He has some speech concerns like Nathan (not nearly as bad) and the doctor just wanted a speech pathologist to just look at him. Well at UNC (our doctors) you can't see the speech people until you get checked out by audiology to rule out hearing problems. We had an appointment this morning and they did a test on his ear drums and found out that both ear drums are not responding the way that they should. The right ear drum especially had no movement. He can still hear okay. It did take him a while to respond to the softer sounds they tested him for. The audiologist said it could be as simple as an ear infection or just a lot of fluid in his ear. She did say it was an unsual time of year to have as much fluid around his ears as he did. She said it is normally a winter thing. I need to call his regular doctor to see what they want to do. They might want to send us to an ENT to make sure everything is okay. So I know it is an unusual request but be praying he just has an ear infection and nothing more serious.
My appointment was later in the afternoon. Daniel and I just went to the mall and walked around in between appointments. HE loved just having mommy time. When they checked me at my apoointment they found that this little guy has flipped once again to transverse. In fact this time he is an even more precarious position. His feet are towards the cervix and his back is towards my chest. This means that if my water does break the cord is at high risk for prolaspe. I got the whole scary lecture about not doing anything to put myself in labor. I was also told that if my water does break to go immediately to ER, not even to drive down to UNC (an hour away). It was kind of a scary apoointment and made me nervous. Next week I will be monitored again and if he has not moved we need to decide if we just want to try a version, induce, and try to deliver right away. They are afraid he is just going to keep flipping back. They don't want to take any chances. The risk of a prolasped cord they said is very high especially since this is number six and things tend to move faster. I am scared and nervous but I do have a sense of peace. This baby is lying this way for a reason and maybe a c-section is the only way this child is to be delivered safely. I am so glad that the technology is out there to check things like this. I just remember how lucky we were with Alex and his cord being so short. Maybe this little one is the same way and the Lord is protecting him by keeping him right where he needs to be. I know this is all in the Lords plan and everything will work out according to his will. Just pray that I do not get discouraged or stressed. I know this is long but I do have one more thing. My mother has not been doing well. Her lupus has beeen flarring up. She has been suffering with vertigo badly and is almost to the point where she can't function. The doctor thinks it might be just a really bad sinus infection. She has already been through one dose of antibiotics and she started a new round today. If she is not feeling better after this round she goes to see a neurologist to rule out something more major. Again, I know this sounds weird, but pray that it is a sinus infection and not something more serious. She feels bad because she is trying to help me out with the kids a lot. She is the one to watch the kids when I go into labor. Just pray for healing for her. My dad can't take care of all the kids by himself. His heart problems have returned.
So just pray and pass these requests along to our church family up there. We love you all.

1 comment:

nini14 said...

I am feeling really helpless, not being able to help! But you know I will be praying and trusting God to take care of little Samuel (maybe I need to get a gymnast (sp?) bear for him!) Sounds like he is an active little guy, maybe a little stubborn? Oh boy! I will be praying for peace for you and that God will show Himself mighty on your behalf and show Himself strong that He might be glorified in all of this. I know what you are feeling right now but I also know that our God is bigger and it isn't stressing Him. We love you all very much!