Friday, May 29, 2009


Well, we had an answer to prayer. Caleb decided to flip into the proper position sometime between the ultrasound yesterday and the one today. They had me all ready for surgery. I had an IV put in and fluids and everything. It was about time for the surgery when they came in a did the ultrasound. His head was down and no c-section. Honestly, I lost it. I started crying uncontrollably. I had my heart all prepared for the surgery and I was at peace and then wham, more waiting. My induction was scheduled for Wednesday but they were trying to convince me to have it done today. They started listing all the risks if the baby turns again and I go into labor. They were scaring me a bit. My ever wise husband was there like a rock with gentle advice. He said that I was tired (from not sleeping last night), stressed (from my mom and being overdue), and very hungry (not eating since last night around midnight.) He suggested we just go home and rest and try to see what happens. We compromised and scheduled an induction on Monday morning. Caleb's heart rate and movement was fine while I was monitored this morning and the fluid levels were good so they agreed to wait until Monday. Carl and I went to the mall and walked around for about an hour and then picked up the kids. Daniel looked at me and said "Where is Asher Caleb? I want to see him." He is so cute when he says the name reversed. It just made my day to see all my little ones again. I missed them. Yes, I am disappointed to not be holding my newest little one but God is in control and his timing is perfect. I need to trust Caleb into God's capable arms knowing that he will protect him. My worry does nothing but lead to more worry which is sin. Carl has been great through the whole thing. He has made me laugh all day (especially about our anti-large family grumpy nurse who told us flat out that God has nothing to do with making babies)and cry sometimes too with his reassuring arms around me. He has been praying with me all day that the Lord would just ease my worries and give me peace. Pray that I will go into labor on my own and soon. But if not pray that the induction would be a quick one and not two days like Daniel's and Alex's. Pray for my mom too. She was not feeling well at all today. When we left her house around 7:00. She said she was going to take a bath and go to bed. Highly unusual for her as she and my dad like to stay up watching television. Thank you all for your prayers that you have lifted up on behalf of me and Caleb. I just can't wait to hold him and have you all meet him.

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