Monday, January 7, 2013

A Servants heart

The question for today is one that I have been pondering for a few days now. "What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen you church?" I read this question to Carl on Saturday when we went out to lunch to talk about things we wanted to change this year. We both kind of stopped when we read this question and kind of looked at each other. We discussed it a little and both realized that we have both been convicted of not doing enough for the church. We have attended SWCA for 2 years now and have not really done much. I grieved my heart to realize that we have become sideline church attenders. We go and fellowship but not much else. I attend the bible studies but not much else. This year my goal is to change that. In Acts, the local church was of one heart and soul. There was not one needy person among them because whenever there was a need it was met by the local church. Can I say that I have met the needs of my members of my church? No. That really does make me very sad. I have used the excuse that I have young children but that is a sin on my part. I just have not wanted to. I have been lazy and prideful in my thinking. I have the mentality of most Christians today. When I hear of a need I always assume or hope that someone else will meet that need. Well, this year I intend to be a vehicle that God can use to meet the needs of those around me. Even if I just pray for a person who sends out a request on the loop, I purpose in my heart to be open to what The Lord wants me to do to meet the needs of those around me. It means I need to make some sacrifices and come out of my comfort zone that I have sat in for years. Like yesterday, I am not sure what this will look like but I am committed to being a vessel God uses to bless others. That is my goal with regards to my church this year.
One thing I have to write down today is about the sermon I listened to this evening. I like listening to Francis Chan. He is such a passionate man when it comes to his faith. Tonight he was talking about the biggest lie we tell ourselves. He was discussing the facade we put for people around us and who we actually are. It got me to thinking. If you were to ask my children who I am when no one else is around, what would they say about me? That is a scary thought. I struggle with anger and laziness and pride. Kids are honest so I don't think I would want them to answer this question. The next thing he asked us to think about was if you were to go before the throne of God and ask Him who I really was, what would He say? That is sobering. I REALLY don't want anyone I know being able to do that. This question pushes me even more to further my relationship with The Lord this year. At the end of my days I do not want my children and friends to have to make up things about who I was. I want my life to stand on its own. I want there to be no doubt about how much I love The Lord. Also, when I stand before God I want him to say "Well done my good and faithful servant." I have always remembered something I heard as a child. If you were brought before the courts and accused of being a Christian, what evidence could there be brought to prove this fact. Something to really think about.
It is late so I will sign off.

Three thing I am thankful for:
3 graces overheard from people you love
19. My sweet older children taking care of the little ones while I slept in this morning (Tirzah did not sleep well last night).
20. The sounds of my husband getting up our two older boys to take them for an early morning breakfast bible study time.
21. The fellowship and conversation of my older girl while we cleaned her room.

I love Carl because he is patient with me as I grow in The Lord.

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