Friday, January 11, 2013

Grocery shopping

Tonight was my bi-weekly grocery shopping trip. I was able to take Alex with me and have some one on one time with him. It was good for my heart to see him smile and to hear him laugh. It felt good to have time to talk to him and he talked a lot. Due to the lateness of the hour I am going to be brief tonight. Tirzah is also up and trying to type with me. I am listening to her giggle right now as she plays with Carl. I am going to postpone my question for today as I want to be able to really think about it and pray about the answer.
The three things I am thankful for today was a tough one. I really had to think and pray about it.
Three yellow gifts of fresh mercy.

31. The yellow lines on the road and the yellow stop lights. Those boundaries in our lives keep us safe and protect us. Without them the roads would be chaos and many more people would be killed on the roads. What a wonderful thing God has given us to protect us.

32. The yellow reflective vests worn by the homeless people I see on the road. It makes me so thankful for the job that Carl has and the wonderful financial blessings The Lord has given our family. We do not deserve any of it but The Lord is merciful in not giving us what we really deserve.

33. The yellow mums that come out in the fall and the yellow daffodils of spring. What a glorious gift God has given us to celebrate the change of seasons.

I love Carl because he makes me take one of the kids with me grocery shopping. I so enjoyed my evening with Alex. I especially enjoyed his laugh and smile.

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