Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a Note

I got confirmation last night that this memory blogging thing is a great idea. I got finished writing my blog last night and William came over and looked at the title. He told me I just had to read it to him. I did and that started about half an hour of William, Esther, Nathan, Alex and Carl listening to my past posts. They just kept asking for more and laughing. It was a great time for all of us. Please, if you are reading this, start writing down your memories. They are so precious and your children do pay attention. William told me last night that when he has kids of his own he wants a copy of all my posts so he can tell his kids the stories of his childhood. I so wish I would have started this sooner. PLease, don't wait. Five mintues a day to write down something special that happenened that day is not hard. Don't wait.


Tara-- said...

Thanks for this reminder-again...I think I'll join you. I may not write every day, but I'm going to try.

Kimberly Trautman said...

I think I may get one of those books you can get printed up of all your posts. I am thinking of giving it to my mom for Christmas next year!