Sunday, January 16, 2011

Memory for Today - A Candlelight Dinner

Sounds wonderful doesn't it. Well there is a little back story to it. As I mentioned before I only get migraines when I am pregnant and this time around it is an every other day and sometimes every day occurrence. Today was a really bad one and still is. I have spent the afternoon in my dark bedroom watching videos with the sound almost off. Even this computer screen is too bright for me right now. I feel bad for Carl who has had the job of taking care of the kids today. I had set out some steak to marinade this morning planning a wonderful grilled steak, baked potato dinner for all of us. It was not to be, at least the baked potato part. My wonderful husband and children spent the afternoon preparing a wonderful meal. Carl grilled the steak, Esther made juice, Nathan made the green beans (even though he forgot about them and they burned), Alex cut and fixed potatoes. Sam and Caleb I believe were being watched by William. It was a group effort and very good. I was not looking forward to going downstairs because of the lights and noise. As I walked down the stairs I found a candlelight dinner all prepared and children who were trying their best to whisper. What a special moment and I will be honest I cried and gave my wonderful man a big hug. All the kids demanded hugs too and we had a good dinner before I had to escape to my bedroom again. It made me feel so loved. I know that every dinner can't be by candlelight but this one was so special.

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