Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Memory for Yesterday - A Sam Hug and a Sensitive Heart

Not much to report about yesterday. It was a stressful day due to the fact that we started school again. Alex does not do well with change and he threw a fit in the morning because he did not want to do his math. The weekend had not gone the way he had wanted. He had wanted to go somewhere and do something but that had just not happened. He was upset about a fight he had Carl and was generally in a bad mood. I was stressed already and did not care to fight with him. I told he could do his math later when his father came home. Luckily my mother came over yesterday and was able to help a little. She finally convinced him to do his math by telling him that when he was done she would go out and buy lunch for everyone. He was done in record time. Thanks mom! All day long though Sam kept coming up and just laying his head on my leg and saying "I love you mommy." What a joy! In the midst of a stressful day he kept making me smile. Also William was so special. He can always tell when I am stressed out. I have this horrible habit a stuttering whenever I get stressed. He was so attentive to me yesterday. He kept asking me if there was anything he could do for me and went above and beyond his normal chores. He has such a sensitive spirit and I hope he never loses it. I was fixing dinner and listening to some music. A song came on that made me cry and William just came over and wrapped his arm around me. What a special moment.

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