Friday, January 21, 2011

Memory For Today - Nathan and the Blanket

It was another one of those days where I ended up on the sofa. I spent the morning on the phone with the Ob's office trying to set up an appointment. I keep getting the run around. I kept trying to tell them how far along I was but no one was listening. The nurse finally called me today and we spent 30 minutes going over my medical history which when you have delivered seven babies can be extensive. When she found out how far along I was (14 weeks) she got upset. I told her that i had been trying for three weeks to get an appointment. She was able to make me an appointment for next Thursday. Finally. I was drained from that phone call and the rest of the week which needless to say has been stressful. On top of everything else I did not feel well when I woke up. I think I am finally getting the cold that the kids have all had. After my phone call with the nurse I could not keep my eyes open. I asked one of the boys to get my blanket. Nathan jumped up very quickly. He got it and then very sweetly covered me up and asked if I needed anything else. He is such a sweet boy. He is so special to my heart and I love him dearly. I don't get to spend as much time one on one with him as I would like. That is something I would like to remedy this year. I am really trying to spend individual time with each child.

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