Sunday, February 10, 2013

Laughter 2/10/13

Three Times Hearing Laughter Today

121. Daniel and I laughing between Sunday school and church today over him having the hiccups. Luckily by the time the service began they had stopped.

122. Esther and I laughing at each other because we were both crying at the same point in a movie. We were snuggling in bed and watching Amazing Love about the prophet Hosea. We were both crying over Hosea redeeming Gomer from being sold into slavery. What a picture of God redeeming us.

123. Tirzah laughing and running around with just a diaper on. She was getting her pajamas on when Daddy came home. Chaos of greeting erupted from the children and she escaped her pajama changer. It was pure joy of greeting daddy after working all weekend.

I love Carl because he brought home dinner tonight because I had a headache and a cold. Also for letting me go upstairs and rest.

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