Saturday, February 2, 2013

Slips of paper

3 gifts on paper

97. My marriage certificate that started this journey I am on with my husband. It is more than just a legal document. It is a covenant I made before God. Divorce has never been an option for my husband and I despite trials that would have ended most marriages. Thank you God for allowing me to be Carl's helpmeet.

98. The 8 birth certificates of my children. Each one reminds of the wonderful blessing of that child. I am amazed that God chose me to be the mother of these children. They are all precious gifts.

99. The Bible that allows us to learn more about who God is and to become more like Christ. The men and women who gave their live protecting it makes it such a special book. What a huge gift we have in this country to read it freely and have multiple copies in our homes, for now anyway.

I love Carl because he is my beloved and my friend.

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